Tricia Maxim, Director of Career Services
June 3, 2022

Meet Tricia Maxim, Director of Career Services. Tricia has been with First Institute over 11+ years and she works relentlessly to help students get started in their new careers. In the last 11 years, Tricia has single-handedly helped close to 1,300 First Institute graduates acquire meaningful, impactful, and life-changing careers after graduation from First Institute.
When you visit First Institute, Tricia is usually right there in the corner office with a big smile, door always open, and is always very welcoming to all who stop by.
Tricia loves helping students reach their full potential. She said, “I love being able to network and build relationships with employers and students and connect them together.” This one of reasons why she does what she does.
Tricia loves working at First Institute because “every employee at First Institute takes great pride in ensuring that the student experience is the best it can possibly be. I am fortunate to be able to assist the students with their job search and career planning and to seem them flourish in their chosen career field.” #therealfirstinstitute #firstinstitutefamily