Mary S, Massage Therapy
June 17, 2022

Meet Mary S, a 2019 graduate of our Massage Therapy program. Mary is currently employed by TLC Massage Therapy as a Licensed Massage Therapist.
After graduating, Mary was confident in her skills, “my teachers worked very hard to teach us the curriculum in a way we would all understand. They were patient, honest and held themselves and their students accountable. They always have a special place in my life for what they did for me.” Mary went on to say, “I now feel confident in helping my clients in ways I never would have dreamed before, a large part of that was the dedication from Coralee and Deb (my instructors at FI).”
Mary recommends First Institute because “the knowledge the teachers provided was outstanding. They allowed me to learn in my own creative ways. I flourished because of them and the support I had from my classmates.” #therealfirstinstitute #firstinstitutefamily